Ruyton XI Towns




Parish Plan





Parish Plan Steering Committee

(Previous Minutes Archived here)


 Minutes of meeting held in the Memorial Hall on Monday August 7th at 6.45 pm


D.Needham, A.C.Homden, S.Minshall, R.Slowley, E.Garbett, A.White, C.Case

1. Apologies.

M.C.Homden ,L.Jefferies, C.Cross, C.Pearce, S.Ballantyne, D. Dicken

2. Minutes approved

3. Matters arising.

M.C.Homden withdrew from the Policing section as this would be a conflict of interest.

Training for survey work would be free Clive Dean will be contacted.

It was felt that the P.P. will take a lot of time and effort to be a useful document.

Problems highlighted with section 5 at the last meeting. This will be allowed to stand for the present if necessary changes will be made in the future.

4. D.Dicken and S.Ballantyne will need copies of the Constitution and Terms of Reference. Working groups will need to be identified depending on the amount of work necessary.

Bank account not opened yet.

Expenses discussed,£4 for lunch expenses agreed.

S.Ballantyne and D.Dicken will do transport. A survey on this is available from S.C.C.. The roads and lorries created much discussion and many concerns.

Economic regeneration, it is difficult to find suitable relevant questions.

The question of housing was discussed at length.

Youth questionnaire checked over and will be distributed.

Tourism for all sections.

Amenities and facilities to be circulated.


Landscape and environment gone over.


Health, a multiple choice document targeted towards the elderly.

It was felt that there should be a few detailed questions allowing plenty of input from the villagers.

A balanced approach is important, how is this to be achieved, much discussion? How can it achieve its purpose? The constitution is a guide to this.

After much discussion meeting close at 9.45pm

Date of next meeting to be arranged

(post-meeting note:- 31st August proposed for next meeting)