Ruyton XI Towns




Charter Group



Parish Plan

Heritage Group




Ruyton XI Towns Heritage Group

Ruyton XI Towns Heritage Group was set up on 17th March, 2001
The day to day management of projects is carried out by a Steering Group, members of which are elected at our AGM.

Chairman:     David Dicken

Secretary:    Brian Kear


1 To encourage an involvement in and an awareness of the local heritage by local people.
2 Carry out restoration work to local sites of historic interest.
3 To carry out research in areas of local historic interest.
4 To produce publications relating to the work of the Heritage Group.
5 To maximise involvement of individuals and organisations in local heritage work.
6 To provide a scource for education through the activities and publications of the Heritage Group.

Membership of the Heritage Group shall be OPEN TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN ACTIVELY furthering the objectives of the Heritage Group.

The Castle, Ruyton XI Towns

A grant of £11565 was awarded for our project under the Local Heritage Initiative scheme. (Managed by the Countryside Agency).
An in-kind contribution to our work to the value of £9325 has been made by volunteers from Ruyton XI Towns.
Approximately 30 persons have been involved in this work.
Debris within and around the castle has been removed.
Ivy etc which was seriously damaging the structure has been removed
Regular tidying carried out
The following reports have been produced:
The History of Ruyton XI Towns Castle.
Churchyard Ecological Survey and Educational Resource Development. (Learning packs have been developed in conjunction with teachers of St John the Baptist Primary School for use in school curriculum).
An Invertebrate and Bat Survey of The Churchyard of St John The Baptist Church
Mammal Report
Bird Survey.
Rectified Photograhic Record of the remains (drawings) carried out by an archaeologist.
Conservation Statement.
Drawings and specification drawn up for restoration work to the castle remains.
Quotations for restoration work received.

Work is progressing on the draft of an application for funding through a Heritage Lottery grant. (likely to be in excess of £100,000)
Elements of Stage 2
History (this sub group is lead by Stewart Ballantyne). Will cover:
Further history of the castle.
Famous persons buried in the churchyard
The importance of the mills on the River Perry
Important buildings in R XI T
Compilation of a Photographic record.
Other elements of our historic heritage can be investigated by anyone with an interest and who would like to join this group.
Restoration of the castle remains.
Restoration of the sundial.
Production and siting of information panels on:
The castle
Ecology of the site
Talks / discussions / field visits:
History of the castle.
Botany of site.
Invertebrates and bats.
Handbook for the public.
Access to site.
Planning to improve access to the site to a standard which will meet the requirements of persons with a disability.
These pages incorporate historical information relating to the Ruyton castle site and its environs